Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spotlight: The Teaching Artist Institute Training and Lori Sokolowski

The Teaching Artist Institute of San Diego

(a quick description) The Teaching Artist Institute is a program of Young Audiences of San Diego that supports the development of informed, reflective and culturally responsive teaching artists. The Teaching Artist Institute of San Diego fosters individual and collective growth within the teaching artist profession and access to employment. Current and planned programs include teaching artist training, coaching, and continuing professional development. 

The Teaching Artist Training Through the Lens of Lori Sokolowski

How did you come to the Teaching Artist Institute Training Program?

I started the program feeling very confused.  On one hand, I felt experienced as a teaching artist having taught photography to students for the CARE program and the Museum of Photographic Arts for a few years.  I had classroom experience, a history of working with classroom teachers, and knowledge and practice in both, the VAPA standards and the new common core standards.  On the other hand, I felt very inexperienced.  I had no formal training as an educator.  Any knowledge of pedagogy and teaching strategies was learned through trial and error...lots and lots of error.  I lacked confidence as a professional and advocate for the field of arts education.  When word of the Teaching Artist Institute came to me, I was intrigued.  It sounded like everything I had been looking for in a professional development program.  With the encouragement of my wonderful colleague and professional role model, I applied and was accepted.  Thank the stars!

What have you gained from the program?

These past five months have been a catalyst for change in my practice.  I've learned so much form all the guest lecturers, the observations and the practicum.  I've learned so much from my fabulous cohort and my wonderfully supportive mentor, Annika Nelson.  We've all grown and learned together. We've created a community and support system of teaching artists in every medium, be it visual arts, music, theatre, dance, performance art, or architecture.

I am so thankful to have been part of the first Teaching Artist Training.  Thank you Jennifer Oliver and Young Audiences.  I hope to see this program continue in the future.

Lori has recently started her own blog on teaching,

What's New?

Some members of our cohort are having our artwork featured this Saturday, February 9th from 6:30 - 9:30 PM at OBR Architecture for Ray@Night.  Please come!

Teaching Artist Training, 2012 Cohort

Top: Kristen Fogle, Anney Hall, Monette Marino, Keilani Love, Lynn Dewart, Claudia Lyra, Emily Aust
Bottom: Garrick Oliver, Rebecca Goodman, Lori Sokolowski, Rosie Scandurra, Liana Hesketh

A short video from the culminating ceremony of the Teaching Artist Training Program.

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